USPS Operation Santa - Possible Free Gift or Send a Gift to a Child in Need

Submit a letter or adopt one with USPS Operation Santa!

The USPS Operation Santa Program is now open. If your family needs help this holiday season this year, consider signing up with USPS Operation Santa to write letters to Santa. Letters will be posted on without personal identifying information, so others can respond to the holiday wishes. All letters may not be answered, but they try to fulfill as many gifts as possible. If you don't need help, consider adopting a letter and helping a child or family out.

A letter to Santa should be placed into an envelope with a postage stamp and sent to 123 Elf Road, North Pole, 88888. Be sure to include your return address, so your present is sent to the correct address. Being specific with details of the items on your wish list (like game, book titles, sizes -include infant, toddler or teen, colors, etc.) to make it easier for the letter adopter to know what kind of gift to purchase.

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- Jessica