5 Legit Ways to Get Free Toys in 2024

Whether you’re looking for free toys for holiday gifts, an upcoming child's party, or as a simple reward for good grades at school, there are several ways to avoid high retail prices. Here are 5 legit ways to get free toys for almost any occasion.

free toys


As any parent knows, taking the kids to the store with you almost always guarantees to hear “Can I get a toy!?” at least once. Of course, with prices for nearly everything the way they are these days, paying the full retail price can be cringe-worthy for most wallets.

But what if you could snag toys for cheap or even FREE? Fortunately, there are several ways to get free toys and other free samples and free stuff. You can even enter an ultimate giveaway to win a prize pack of toys valued at $1,500! Read on to learn more. 



1. Product Testing Opportunities

Toys are a commonly tested product. This is because testers not only want to get kids’ opinions, but they also want to learn about the parent’s perceptions too. Sometimes they’re in the newest of stages looking for improvements before taking them to full production. Other times testers are looking to collect reviews that can help other parents. If you don’t mind sharing feedback, participating in product testing can be a great way to get free toys for your kids.  

Far Out Toys’ Fun Lab 

The Far Out Toys Fun Lab is a community of parents and kids who enjoy playing with toys. By signing up, you become part of the Far Out Fun Lab community, where you’ll get invitations to review free toys based on your child’s interests. Periodically, members are asked for feedback on toys and have a chance to participate in compensated online focus groups. 

You’ll recognize most of their brands too: Nascar Racing toys, Glo-Up Girls dolls, Adventure Force, Love, Diana Princess play, Ryan’s World and more! They even had a Toy of the Year finalist for 2022! 

If you’re interested, you can apply here

The Fisher-Price Cast & Play Crew  

The Fisher-Price Cast & Play Crew is a community of parents with children ages 5 and younger who test toys and offer feedback to improve the toys before they are released to the public. By joining this community, you agree to help Fisher Price see what’s working. This membership also gives Fisher Price the chance (with your permission) to capture videos and pictures of your little one enjoying the toy for product development and promotion later. 

As a way of saying ‘thanks,’ Fisher Price awards an Amazon or Target gift card for every time you participate---a win-win for both parents and kids! 

If you’re interested, sign up here

Hasbro’s FunLab 

Hasbro’s FunLab invites both children and adults to test their toys and games. They want consumers of ALL AGES - including fans, board gamers and play enthusiasts - to come together to synergize ideas and evaluate products, helping Hasbro make exceptional play and entertainment experiences for consumers around the world!  

Hasbro’s FunLab offers opportunities for fun both on-site and at-home via virtual video chats or play sessions. Research sessions are virtual video chats or at-home play sessions.  

If you’re interested in being a part of this, make sure you sign up here

Mattel Imagination Center 

The Mattel Imagination Center is a place where children, toy designers and researchers connect to produce innovative and imaginative toys and experiences for children. Their motto is “Together, we play, we discover, and we imagine what the future of play will be.” By partnering with children and their families, they can make products that teach, captivate, encourage, and delight.  

Mattel welcomes children and adults ages 3 to 13 as toy testers and focus group participants to help them develop and refine toy offerings.  

Sound like fun for you and your family? Register here

Home Tester Club 

The Home Tester Club is always looking for people to test free products. While they offer opportunities to test foods, skin care, tech, and personal products, toys are a big part of this program. The Tester Club works by mailing toy products to your home in exchange for an honest review and a survey response. Your shared insights can help improve shoppers’ buying experiences and assist brands with product development.  

Head over here to sign up your crew! 

2. New-to-Me Toys 

Some toys run their course faster than others. We’ve all seen it or experienced it ourselves as kids. While the short-lived excitement may not make our wallets too happy, there is an upside. If the toy is clean and in relatively good condition, it can be easily passed on to another child. Here are several good free stuff apps and websites for posting and buying gently used  toys.  


The Freecycle Network is a great place to start a search. Freecycle is a free, membership-based, grassroots nonprofit movement of people dedicated to giving and getting stuff for free in their own towns. For Freecyclers, it’s about reuse and keeping good stuff out of landfills. You can also set up your own, smaller personal Friends Circle for gifting items with just your friends. However you choose to use the platform, Freecycle is ultimately one of the most sustainable ways to get free toys for your kids. 

Head over here to sign up for Freecycle and score free toys! 


TrashNothing.com is affiliated with Freecycle. However, unlike with Freecyle, TrashNothing allows you to put a notice or comment out for an item that you’re specifically looking for. If you’re hoping to get free toys from those ready to part with their own, this could be a great way to bridge the gap.  

Visit TrashNothing.com

Facebook Marketplace 

Facebook Marketplace is an excellent source to find all kinds of freebies, including free toys for your kids. Since parents often purge old toys when they move or when their kids have grown, it’s common to find children’s toys by the box load up for grabs on Facebook Marketplace. You might get lucky and find a parent that just wants their space back and list them for FREE, or for a fraction of the cost.  

Browse Facebook Marketplace’s Free Category 

Host a Toy Swap 

Hosting a toy swap with your parent friends is another great way to get free toys for your kids, especially if the kids are of similar ages. You can make it a party and include the kids in on the fun, or integrate it into an adults-only wine night or dinner for a parent’s only event. To get free toys before the holidays, host a toy swap right around Thanksgiving when everyone has some time off!  

3. Toy Programs or Toy Banks 

Many communities have programs you may qualify for given your situation – an illness or stay in a children’s hospital, a deployed military parent, natural disaster, and more. Life happens and sometimes we forget the simplest thing, like a toy, can ease the stress of a situation for a child. They even offer families the chance to score free Christmas toys as sometimes the season gets overlooked amid all the bills. 

Toy Foundation  

The Toy Foundation collects millions of toys from toy companies and distributes them to thousands of children’s charities around the globe, all year long. Use the website to take part and donate or find a participating Toy Bank near you. 

Visit the Toy Foundation website

Toys for Tots 

Most of us have heard of Toys for Tots. The goal of Toys for Tots, a national charity soon celebrating its 75th year, is to help bring the joy of Christmas to less fortunate children. To get involved with this awesome mission, simply visit the website for a local or national chapter and view donation opportunities. You can also apply online for your child to be a toy recipient.  

Visit Toys for Tots

4. Home Parties 

One way that toy companies like to get the word out about their new products is by having people host home parties. By signing up to host product home parties, you’re able to showcase a new toy and share how fun it is with other parents. This not only makes for a fun evening with friends, but you also get to keep the toy, and your guests may even leave with free samples.  

Ripple Street 

Ripple Street is probably one of the most common home party sites. You apply to host and if you show serious interest by completing tasks, you may be selected to host. The goodies for the party arrive via mail at your door for you and your guests to enjoy. While most parties are geared toward home goods and foods, toy parties do crop up sometimes! They recently had one for Vtech NexTag, What Do You Meme? Family Game, and Springlings Surprise by Little Tikes. 

Visit Ripple Street


Tryazon regularly offers toys and games as a part of their home party program! These tend to be lesser-known brands, but lots of fun nonetheless. Some of the parties that are open for you to apply for right now are Exploding Kittens: Good vs. Evil Game Night Party, SmartGames Early Learning Games Party, and the Spin Master Bunches of Fun Game Night.  

If you’re interested in ways to get free toys by hosting a home party, be sure to get that application in. Past parties have included Twister Air Game Night, itCoinz Spinner to Winner Party, Exploding Kittens for Kids Game Night, and the Spin Master – 4D BUILD Party 

Visit Tryazon

5. Other Ways to Save on Toys 

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If none of these ways to get free toys sounded right to you, that’s okay! Here are a few more small tips for finding free toys and other freebies like free baby boxes, free Amazon baby boxes, free baby formula, and free baby stuff for your kids.  

  • The clearance aisle at your local store can be a gold mine for year-round deals and discounts. Grab some of the deep discounts you find and stash them away in a closet so when birthday parties or last-minute gift exchanges pop up, you can shop right from your own house or donate it to Toys for Tots.  
  • Yard sales are a fun way to encourage kids to part with some of the toys that they no longer play with, especially if they can get money for it. This not only allows other kids to get cheap or free toys, but teaches your kids the value of earning and selling. 
  • Follow your favorite savings websites for deals, free samples, and freebies. MySavings is your source for finding them!  Sign up for the daily newsletter as well as follow on Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, and Twitter so that you’ll be the first to know when they are available!
  • Join our exclusive Facebook group for even more fun with like-minded deal-seeking friends! 
  • Sign up for a Product Report Card account for a chance to receive free products in the mail to review for your honest opinion. Becoming a member also gives you a chance to earn money from home by taking paid surveys.

- Melissa